Ansh Mittal
Current MS CS Grad@University of Southern California
As a professional, my main aim is to understand how scientific processes are responsible for producing the interactions and measurements observed in the experiments and projects I work on. I use a combination of approaches and technologies for my studies. Learn more about my research and areas of study below.
A Little About Me
My work (at present) mainly deals with the utilization of machine learning, deep learning, and Artificial Intelligence. I mainly utilize these for application in spheres of astronomy, biology, and commercial applications. I'm trying to solve problems that are faced by the researchers of the aforementioned disciplines. If anybody wants to cooperate with me, please contact me.
Ongoing Research & Projects
Letting computers learn Cosmology and Biology
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EfficientNet B1 results for fundus disease classification

Generating Pokémons using PokéWGAN (with PyTorch)