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My Hobbies

Sketching & Painting

I created some pieces of Art while being enrolled in my undergraduate institution, and during my schooling. These Art pieces mostly comprise of some scenery sketches, portraits, and paintings. I created sketches using Grade 'A' Charcoal, pencil, and pen.

Listening Music

I like to listen to rock and pop music, mostly music produced by bands like Linkin Park, and Green Day. I also love listening to other musicians like Agnes Obel. I also love listening to various songs from anime.


I love to watch the sky and learning and reading more about outer space. I love going to Observatories for the same. Sometimes, I write blogs about inexplicable features that exist in our Universe.

Hobbies: List

Art Pieces

Paintings and Sketches in High School

Sketches made in Primary School

Hobbies: Research
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