Published Work
The Results of My Research
Most of the projects that I worked on came with both unforeseeable challenges and opportunities to learn new disciplines. Many papers I’ve published were born out of carefully thought applications in the respective field. Check out the list of my publications below, and contact me for more information.

FuNet40: Fundus Disease/Abnormality Classiacation using Ensemble of Fine-Tuned Pretrained Convolution Models
December 2020
[Under Review]

Cybersecurity Enhancement through Blockchain Training (CEBT) - A serious game approach
December, 2020
Mittal, A., Gupta, M. P., Chaturvedi, M., Chansarkar, S. R., Gupta, S., Cybersecurity Enhancement through Blockchain Training (CEBT) - A serious game approach, International Journal of Information Management Data Insights (2020)

Guess Who?-A Serious Game for Cybersecurity Professionals
December 9, 2020
Gupta S. et al. (2020) Guess Who? - A Serious Game for Cybersecurity Professionals. In: Marfisi-Schottman I., Bellotti F., Hamon L., Klemke R. (eds) Games and Learning Alliance. GALA 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12517. Springer, Cham.

Detecting Pneumonia using Convolutions and Dynamic Capsule Routing for Chest X-ray Images
February 16, 2020
Mittal, A.; Kumar, D.; Mittal, M.; Saba, T.; Abunadi, I.; Rehman, A.; Roy, S. MDPI Sensors (2020) Special Issue "Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging and Sensing".
This work was published in Springer SCIE indexed Journal - MDPI Sensors. It can be found on the URL:

December 9,2019
Mittal, A.; Surya, A.; Nagrath, P.; Hemanth, D. J. Earth Science Informatics (2019).
This work was published in Springer SCIE indexed Journal - Earth Science Informatics. It can be found on the URL

CARES (Computerized Avatar for Rhetorical & Emotional Supervision)
October 9, 2019
Mittal, A.; Gupta, S.; Anusurya, Kumar, G. (2019). CARES (Computerized Avatar for Rhetorical & Emotional Supervision). International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 6(10)

AIGOS (Artificially Intelligent Geo-Orbital Synchronization) System
April, 2019
Mittal, A.; Lal, D.; Saxena, S.; Mehendiratta, D.; Gupta, S. AIGOS (Artificially Intelligent Geo-Orbital Synchronization) System (April 29, 2019). International Journal of Information Systems & Management Science, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2019.
Available at SSRN:

AiCNNs (Artificially-integrated Convolutional Neural Networks) for Brain Tumor Prediction
Feburary 12, 2019
Mittal, A.; Kumar, D. (2019). AiCNNs (Artificially-integrated Convolutional Neural Networks) for Brain Tumor Prediction. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology, 17.

January 25, 2025
Mittal, A.; Anusurya; Kumar, D.; Kumar, G. (2019) Ml Driven Prediction of Collision of Milky Way & Andromeda. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8 (3).

A Survey on Indoor Positioning System using Wi-Fi
March 16, 2018
Baghel, A.; Mishra, A.; Mittal A.; Tiwari, D.; Gupta, S. (2018). A Survey on Indoor Positioning System using Wi-Fi. Proceedings of the 12th INDIACom; INDIACom-2018; 2018 5th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”.